Congratulations Manju for successfully defending your thesis and completing a well-deserved doctoral degree. (July, 2024)
Congratulations Manju and FunBioMats group for publishing in Angewandte Chemie International Edition. (February 2024)
Yay!! We are in the front cover of Chemistry of Materials, Congratulation Sourav and FunBioMats group.(January 2024)
Congratulations Sourav Das and FunBioMats group for publishing in Chemistry of Materials. (December 2023)
Congratulations Preethi Bhatt and FunBioMats group for publishing in Angewandte Chemie. (November 2023)
Congratulations Alisha Kamra for winning best oral presentation award in International online conference on "Molecularly Designed Functional Materials 2023". (September 2023)
Congratulations Rohit Kapila and FunBioMats group for publishing in Nanoscale. (August 2023)
Congratulations Alisha Kamra and FunBioMats group for publishing in Chemical Science. (August 2023)
Congratulations Subinoy Sir and FunBioMats group for publishing in Nature Communications. (August 2023)
We started segregating different lab wastes including plastics, towards the sustainability goals (June 2023)
Congratulations Preeti Bhatt and FunBioMats group for publishing in Biosensors. (February 2023)

Abhay Srivastava received the Prime Minister Research Fellowship
Bhaskar Sen received the Institute Post Doctoral Fellowship
FunBioMats team filed its first patent on superhydrophobic metal-organic frameworks
FunBioMats team published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
FunBioMats team published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Sourav Das received the best poster award at the ‘National Conference on Molecular Modelling and Simulations (NCMMS) 2022’ organized by the School of Advanced Sciences, VIT Bhopal University
Preeti Bhatt received the Prime Minister Research Fellowship